Plant Genetics Lab

We are recruiting talented postdocs and students now. Programming skills are necessary. You are very welcome to apply, if you have experience in the following area

Postdoc scholar in genomics and population genetics of wheat

Genetic improvement of wheat is critical to food security, nutrition value, and sustainable agriculture. However, attempts to accelerate wheat breeding is beset by the shrinking diversity in the breeding pool, leaving wheat with very limited breeding plasticity, and open to the threats of pests, pathogens and abiotic stresses. To identify those untapped functional alleles, it would be invaluable to explore the enormous diversity from relatively wild populations (e.g. progenitors, landraces, etc.). Lu Lab ( has collected nearly 7,000 diverse wheat lines. Performing a diversity survey will be the first step to utilize the untouched functional alleles with breeding benefit.

The Lu Lab is seeking an outstanding and highly motivated individual to conduct a whole-genome-sequencing based diversity survey in wheat. The main goals of the project are to unveil the diversity of wheat, and to understand how the genome/diversity was shaped during the evolutionary trajectory of selection, migration, and polyploidy events.

Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB, is a world-leading research institute. The successful candidate will benefit greatly from leading the pioneering work in wheat genomics, and accessing to all the state-of-art facilities in IGDB. The candidate will also have the opportunities to present in international conferences, and to be promoted to senior positions in IGDB.

Applicants with background from genomics/population genetics/molecular evolution/computational biology are welcome to apply. Strong skills in computer programming are highly appreciated.

Qualified candidates are invited to send the CV, cover letter, and contacts of three references to Dr. Fei Lu ( Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.




一、申请者基本条件 1. 获得遗传学、农学或者数理统计相关专业博士学位
2. 工作踏实认真、积极主动、为人乐观向上、有良好的人际沟通能力、善于独立思考同时富有团队协作精神
3. 对科学研究具有强烈的兴趣,有责任心与优良的科学道德
4. 有较强的中英文阅读、写作和表达能力,有优秀的沟通能力
5. 以第一作者或者通讯作者发表过有影响力的学术论文,能够独立开展课题研究
6. 科研岗研究人员应具有以下研究背景之一(A或B):
A. 计算生物学 (a或b)
    a) 基因组学及生物信息学:熟练掌握1-2门编程语言(统计语言+计算语言,R/Python/Java/C),具有软件开发能力者优先
    b) 基因型表型数据统计建模:全基因组关联分析、全基因组预测及选择、模型构建及优化、机器学习领域的研究或应用经验
B. 作物遗传育种
    a) 接受过良好的作物遗传育种学的训练,能够追踪当前数量遗传学发展前沿,同时具有丰富的田间实践经验,能够有效管理田间实验和大批量的实验材料

1. 能独立开展课题研究
2. 协助课题组长指导研究生共同开展研究活动
3. 协助课题组长进行项目申请以及后续项目管理


